Every story is not bigger than the fact of “up & down”… and all things in life happen as they are mixed by this non-stop machine…
As it is worthless to say: “I live in hell” or “I live in heaven”… because in every single moment we are living in both of them… lets talk mechanics… Imagine the escalator system… the same cord moves in two different ways at every moment, while taking it up or down…
All what I wrote is not true in the absolute value… why?!
Because we are not alone… and reaching the equilibrium is never an achievement for us, but to God himself, because he is the only one who can make us “feel” differently our feelings…
There is no other way… If we are so down, we will be up soon… if we are up, we have not to forget that we may be down again… remembering and living God always, during the beautiful as in the bad moments, is what we must do…
Be thankful by sharing with him your laugh when you are happy, and when you feel bad don’t be like the one who said: “I don’t want to go to the doctor because I’m so sick”…