Sunday, October 28, 2007

Swimming With The Autumn Leaves

Swimming With The Autumn Leaves

Everything is flowing in peace...
The storms are still a little bit away...
I will leave soon to the south, taking with me all my beautiful memories...
I'm going away from the cold hearts... to live with the warmest one...
I will blink my eyes, and i will see the spring upcoming in other countries... but for once and eternally in my house... our house...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Moon Air

Do you think that the ones travelling on that airplane saw the moon bigger than us?
Whatever your response is, this one is my dream flight...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Autumn Time...

Arranged by SAMA in Alexandra Garden, Melbourne, Australia

The written story of each day is laying softly on the soil...

Time is moving slowly, but he is surely moving...

With each second someones raise and someones fall... but as you see, everyone will fall...

Stop looking at the clock, time is not stopping... but be carefull, when he will do so you will not be warned before...

Be always prepared, to not be a loser when the time will fall, giving his place to the spring of eternity...

Saturday, October 06, 2007

The Autumn Wall...

St Joseph Hospital, Paris

There are no more leaves to hide your reality… you were a wall and still you are…
I believed in that… and I proved it while watching you every day…
No one can change your nature, even if your colors change with the seasons’ sun…
I can say that you were beautiful… in green and even while getting off your clothes… but now you aren’t anymore…
When you were paint, we could see through you in our dreams… now you are just a dead barrier…
Get off your stones… at your place I will plant a tree that will grow, and will be always beautiful…
You know, I will call her the life’s border, because when I want to feel away from the other one, or when the other wants too, “she will serve both of us to fall in love again”…